Tuesday, August 25, 2020

ASME and Nuclear Regulatory Commission to Offer Pump Valve S...

ASME and Nuclear Regulatory Commission to Offer Pump Valve S... ASME and Nuclear Regulatory Commission to Offer Pump Valve S... ASME and Nuclear Regulatory Commission to Offer Pump and Valve Symposium in July April 21, 2017 Enrollment is currently open for the thirteenth Pump Valve Symposium - an occasion that is generally viewed as the head gathering on atomic force plant inservice testing. The conference, which is co-supported by ASME and the U.S. Atomic Regulatory Commission (NRC), will be held from July 16 to 19 at the DoubleTree by Hilton Washington D.C. ? Silver Spring in Silver Spring, Md. The four-day occasion will investigate the most recent issues, innovation, improvements and patterns in preservice and inservice testing (IST) of atomic force plants. The discussion will highlight the fields driving specialists - including noticeable authorities from the NRC and ASME code pioneers - tending to a wide scope of themes including NRC rulemaking, general ASME Operations and Maintenance Code (OM) extension, substance and theory, and the siphons, valves, engine worked valves (MOVs), air-worked valves (AOVs), snubbers, and hazard knowledge exercises that are indispensable to the protected and solid activity and support of atomic force plants. One feature of the Pump Valve Symposium makes certain to be the keynote introduction, which will be given by Mary Jane Ross-Lee, acting Director for the Division of Operating Reactor Licensing in the NRCs Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation. Since joining the NRC in 1997, Ross-Lee has served in various regions inside the office including the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, the Office of New Reactors, and the Office of Administration (ADM). Named to the commissions Senior Executive Service in 2011, Ross-Lee at present fills in as the Deputy Director for Division of Engineering. Mary Jane Ross-Lee will be the keynote moderator at the ASME/NRC Pump and Valve Symposium in July. Different speakers at the conference will incorporate delegates from ASME and the NRC just as such organizations and associations as Westinghouse, NuScale, Exelon Nuclear, Entergy, Flowserve Corp., Anvil EPS, Kalsi Engineering, Curtiss Wright, Tecnatom, the Tennessee Valley Authority, the Electric Power Research Institute, Sandia National Laboratories, the Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety (KINS), the Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, and China Nuclear Power Design. The conference will likewise include an open board meeting toward the finish of the gathering where NRC and ASME OM Code pioneers will survey features from the four-day occasion and field inquiries from crowd individuals. Robert Wolfgang of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, who is co-leading the conference with Robert Parry from NextEra Energy, said the occasion gives a brilliant chance to youthful IST specialists to increase significant understanding into the inservice testing of siphons, valves, and snubbers, and for the business to talk about OM Code choices and judgments with the people liable for the Code changes. It likewise offers IST designs the opportunity to meet and converse with NRC staff who are engaged with inservice testing, he said. For more data on the thirteenth ASME/NRC Pump Valve Symposium, or to enlist, visit www.asme.org/occasions/nrc-siphon valve-discussion.

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